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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Walter C.Brow:>+44 (0) 702 407 3010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mr.Walter C.Brown <>
Date: 2010/8/19

Chief Executive Director Of International Remmittance,
Fund Transfer and Electronic ATM Card Department
Kilburn High Road, London NW6, London-UK.
Telephone:+44 (0) 702 407 3010
(REGISTERED NO.1026167).

Attn:  Beneficiary,

The U.S.A Government, World Bank And United Nations Organization Official Has Approved to pay you part payment of your Contract / Inheritance Fund payment Valued at Ј15Million (Fifteen Million Britain Pounds in conjunction with British Government and NATWEST BANK PLC LONDON.

This decision was made last week. With this development, a woman by name (MRS: JANET WHITE) came to our office with an application stating that you gave her the power of attorney to be the beneficiary of your outstanding Contract / Inheritance / Award  Funds.

She made us to believe that you are dead and that she is your next of kin. We got your email address and decided to inform you by sending an email through this address hoping to find out, if you are dead or alive and also to find out if you at anytime gave this woman the power of attorney to represent you.

If you are not aware of the above instruction, please do respond to this email immediately by contacting us, Please let us know if you are aware of that, because we are almost ready to release part payment of Ј15Million (Fifteen Million Britain Pounds of your outstanding funds to her nominated bank account stated below:

Bank Name: Washington Mutual Bank
Address: 1723 Palmdale Bulv.
Palmdale Ca. 93550
Acct No:3573813158
Rout No:322271627
Swift code No:WMSBUS66
Beneficiary: JANET WHITE.

For immediate release of your said funds through ATM Card,Be informed that you are not allowed to correspond or contact any person or office with respect to this transfer other than this office, the new Britain Prime Minister David Cameron,have only giving instructions, that we can only release total Value of Ј15Million (Fifteen Million Britain Pounds) only, You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of Ј10,000.00 Pounds is permitted daily And we are duly inter-switched and you can make withdrawal in any location of the ATM Center of your choice/nearest to you any where in the world.

We have also concluded delivery arrangement with our accredited courier service Company to oversee the delivery of the ATM Card to you without any further delay you are required to send him an email, Please also reconfirm your information below:

1) YOUR FULL NAME__________________
4) AGE AND SEX_____________________________
Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Walter C.Brown.

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