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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Chánge your pássword ímmediátely. Your áccount hás been hácked.


Í háve bád news for you.
14/03/2020 - on thís dáy Í hácked your operátíng system ánd got full áccess to your áccount

Ít ís useless to chánge the pássword, my málwáre íntercepts ít every tíme.

How ít wás:
Ín the softwáre of the router to whích you were connected thát dáy, there wás á vulnerábílíty.
Í fírst hácked thís router ánd pláced my málícíous code on ít.
When you entered ín the ínternet, my troján wás ínstálled on the operátíng system of your devíce.

Äfter thát, Í máde á full dump of your dísk (Í háve áll your áddress book, hístory of víewíng sítes, áll fíles, phone numbers ánd áddresses of áll your contácts).

Ä month ágo, Í wánted to lock your devíce ánd ásk for á smáll ámount of money to unlock.
But Í looked át the sítes thát you regulárly vísít, ánd cáme to the bíg delíght of your fávoríte resources.
Í'm tálkíng ábout sítes for ádults.

Í wánt to sáy - you áre á bíg pervert. You háve unbrídled fántásy!

Äfter thát, án ídeá cáme to my mínd.
Í máde á screenshot of the íntímáte websíte where you háve fun (how díd you másturbáte).
Äfter thát, í took off your joys (usíng the cámerá of your devíce). Ít turned out beáutífully, do not hesítáte.

Í ám strongly belíve thát you would not líke to show these píctures to your relátíves, fríends or colleágues.
Í thínk $970 ís á very smáll ámount for my sílence.
Besídes, Í spent á lot of tíme on you!

Í áccept money only ín Bítcoíns.
My BTC wállet: 1CRKWJcwVofS7HqP4UnezYFTWv1g4sKYqb

You do not know how to replenísh á Bítcoín wállet?
Ín ány seárch engíne wríte "how to send money to btc wállet".
Ít's eásíer thán send money to á credít cárd!

For páyment you háve á líttle more thán two dáys (exáctly 50 hours).
Do not worry, the tímer wíll stárt át the moment when you open thís letter. Yes, yes .. ít hás álreády stárted!

Äfter páyment, my vírus ánd dírty photos wíth you self-destruct áutomátícálly.
Nárrátíve, íf í do not receíve the specífíed ámount from you, then your devíce wíll be blocked, ánd áll your contácts wíll receíve á photos wíth your "joys".

Í wánt you to be prudent.
- Do not try to fínd and destroy my vírus! (áll your dátá ís álreády uploáded to á remote server)
- Do not try to contact me (thís ís not feásíble, sender áddress generáted áutomátícálly)
- Váríous securíty servíces wíll not help you; formáttíng á dísk or destroyíng á devíce wíll not help eíther, sínce your dátá ís álreády on á remote server.

P.S. Í guárántee you thát Í wíll not dísturb you ágáín áfter páyment, ás you áre not my síngle víctím.
Thís ís á hácker code of honor.

From now on, Í ádvíse you to use good ántívíruses ánd updáte them regulárly (severál tímes á dáy)!

Don't be mád at me, everyone hás theír own work.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Chánge your pássword ímmediátely. Your áccount hás been hácked.


Í háve bád news for you.
14/03/2020 - on thís dáy Í hácked your operátíng system ánd got full áccess to your áccount

Ít ís useless to chánge the pássword, my málwáre íntercepts ít every tíme.

How ít wás:
Ín the softwáre of the router to whích you were connected thát dáy, there wás á vulnerábílíty.
Í fírst hácked thís router ánd pláced my málícíous code on ít.
When you entered ín the ínternet, my troján wás ínstálled on the operátíng system of your devíce.

Äfter thát, Í máde á full dump of your dísk (Í háve áll your áddress book, hístory of víewíng sítes, áll fíles, phone numbers ánd áddresses of áll your contácts).

Ä month ágo, Í wánted to lock your devíce ánd ásk for á smáll ámount of money to unlock.
But Í looked át the sítes thát you regulárly vísít, ánd cáme to the bíg delíght of your fávoríte resources.
Í'm tálkíng ábout sítes for ádults.

Í wánt to sáy - you áre á bíg pervert. You háve unbrídled fántásy!

Äfter thát, án ídeá cáme to my mínd.
Í máde á screenshot of the íntímáte websíte where you háve fun (how díd you másturbáte).
Äfter thát, í took off your joys (usíng the cámerá of your devíce). Ít turned out beáutífully, do not hesítáte.

Í ám strongly belíve thát you would not líke to show these píctures to your relátíves, fríends or colleágues.
Í thínk $905 ís á very smáll ámount for my sílence.
Besídes, Í spent á lot of tíme on you!

Í áccept money only ín Bítcoíns.
My BTC wállet: 1CRKWJcwVofS7HqP4UnezYFTWv1g4sKYqb

You do not know how to replenísh á Bítcoín wállet?
Ín ány seárch engíne wríte "how to send money to btc wállet".
Ít's eásíer thán send money to á credít cárd!

For páyment you háve á líttle more thán two dáys (exáctly 50 hours).
Do not worry, the tímer wíll stárt át the moment when you open thís letter. Yes, yes .. ít hás álreády stárted!

Äfter páyment, my vírus ánd dírty photos wíth you self-destruct áutomátícálly.
Nárrátíve, íf í do not receíve the specífíed ámount from you, then your devíce wíll be blocked, ánd áll your contácts wíll receíve á photos wíth your "joys".

Í wánt you to be prudent.
- Do not try to fínd and destroy my vírus! (áll your dátá ís álreády uploáded to á remote server)
- Do not try to contact me (thís ís not feásíble, sender áddress generáted áutomátícálly)
- Váríous securíty servíces wíll not help you; formáttíng á dísk or destroyíng á devíce wíll not help eíther, sínce your dátá ís álreády on á remote server.

P.S. Í guárántee you thát Í wíll not dísturb you ágáín áfter páyment, ás you áre not my síngle víctím.
Thís ís á hácker code of honor.

From now on, Í ádvíse you to use good ántívíruses ánd updáte them regulárly (severál tímes á dáy)!

Don't be mád at me, everyone hás theír own work.


Friday, April 3, 2020

Your Unpaid Funds.

Hello Dear ,
I am Miss K. Ngama. A computer scientist with central bank of Nigeria. I am 26 years old, just started work with C.B.N. I came across your file which was marked X and your released disk painted RED, I took time to study it and found out that you have paid VIRTUALLY all fees and certificate but the fund has not been release to you.
The most annoying thing is that they cannot tell you the truth that on no account wills they ever release the fund to you; instead they let you spend money unnecessarily. I do not intend to work here all the days of my life, I can release this fund to you if you can certify me of my security, and how I can run away from this Nigeria if I do this, because if I don't run away from this country after I made the transfer, I will be Seriously in trouble and my life will be in danger.
This is like a Mafia setting in Nigeria; you may not understand it because you are not a Nigerian. The only thing I will need from you to release this fund is a special HARD DISK we call it HD140 GIG.I will need two of this hard disk to recopy your information from the corrupted one, destroy the previous one, and punch the computer to reflect in your bank within 24 banking hours. I will clean up the tracer and destroy your file, after which I will run away from Nigeria to meet with you.
If you are interested. Do get in touch with me immediately, You should send to me your convenient tell/fax numbers for easy communications and also re confirm your banking details, so that there won't be any mistake.
Miss Ngama.