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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Steward Morgan:


Welcome to Vaslie computer Inc. Your Attention would be needed online via emails, so endeavour to reply to this emial address (

Once again, here is a brief explanation of your Duties:

We have got loads of logs for the Customer Services Dept. from our United States Clients that are spread all over. Now the London center here cannot be over stretched. So we opted to recruit staffs online to work from home to help do ( Balance sheets, account balancing, invoicing recording, proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into Accounting database all through the use of the merchandising Software ).


Now Your primary daily duty would be to report to your Supervisor through the email stated above,He/She would assign logs of duty daily and you would be required to work according to instrcutions, using the Microsoft Office tools and the merchandising software. Now the function of the Customer Services software is to arrange, formalize and manage the datas you have processed,sent to your supervisor via the emails. Now this software also gives your supervisor the total number of seconds you have worked on for the day, which helps us to calculate your working Hours.If there be any extra time done on Oral or Physical work, they would also apply to your working hours also.


You are requested to send in an Email Today with the Subject
**Duration & Payroll
**This would contain answers to the Following:
1. How many hours are you willing to Work per day? ( 5hr Maximum )

2. What time range? ( Morning Section 8am-12noon or Afternoon section
(3pm-6pm )

3. Payroll Interval? ( Weekly or Bi-weekly )

4. Payroll Method? ( Cheque OR Direct Deposit)


You are to be writting the personnel Manager every day( ,if you have any Question.


Equipments have been provided for by the Company and will be sent to you after an E-interview.This includes a Dell Laptop/Notebook for mobility and some other Software's for accuracy, Speed of data processing, Time Monitoring and Effectiveness. Details on the Uses and delivery of these equipmets would be Given to you .

* Supervisor ( Name and Contact Phone Numbers )

* Staff User Name and Password for Our Website Link (For easy access to company data and task for each day)

* Date of delivery of your equipments.

Once Again You are Welcome !

Best regards and Congratulation

Yours Faithfully,
Dr Steward Morgan,
Human Resources Department

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