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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Margaret Alamieyeseigha:

It is with humility that I am writing you, to solicit that you come to our RESCUE.
I am Mrs. Margaret Alamieyeseigha wife of the deposed Governor of Bayelsa state in Nigeria,Diepreye Alamieyeseigha who jumped bail in Britain and was latter arrested and detained in Nigeria.Presently, he is standing trial for money-laundering charges in Nigeria. On the 7th day of July 2006,the British government returned an equivalent of 1.8M USD seized from our home in England late last year.
Arising from the above, I quickly relocated our money,which is an equivalent of 16.5M USD from the UK to another country,This is toprevent further discovery of my family fund by the Nigerian government. I am seeking for your assistance in claiming and safely keeping of this fund I had relocated. If you agree to assist my family in this transaction,
you shall be compensated with 30% of the fund.
We shall reserve 5% to defray any expenses that shall be incurred in actualizing and perfecting this transaction.The balance 65% shall be kept by you for my family.If you want to assist us,please accompany your reply with your name,contact address,Telephone number, so that I can refer you to our family attorney who will give you more details.
Your reply is awaited. You should visit these websites for more information:
With Regards,
Mrs Margaret Alamieyeseigha.

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